
1. 字体的设置:



这一选项是做什么的,手贱就调了一下字体,………然后就调不回来一个好看的了……..曾记:乔布斯2005年斯坦福大学毕业演讲 乔老爷子说:

   [04:08.01]And we designed it all into the Mac 
   [04:11.00]It was the first computer with beautiful typography 
   [04:14.01]If I had never dropped in on that single course in college 
   [04:17.01]the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces 
   [04:20.00]or proportionally spaced fonts 
   [04:22.02]And since Windows just copied the Mac 
   [04:24.01]It's likely that no personal computer would have them 
   [04:34.00]If I had never dropped out 
   [04:36.01]I would have never dropped in on that calligraphy class 
   [04:38.01]And personal computers might not have 
   [04:40.01]the wonderful typography that they do 

我只能说:好吧!……,幸好找到: 这一篇文章, 参考了它,从GitHub下载了Solarized:

git clone git://

在其中的 Light ansi.terminal 这个文件样式中找到设置样式的参考:

Menlo Regular 11 磅

这个样式正好是我想要的!! Thx!!

2. [ref]


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