
  1. 2021-09-12 bubble_sort


  1. 2018-10-29 install Jekyll On Ubuntu


  1. 2018-04-25 modify-macAddress-in-MacOS


  1. 2018-04-26 modify macAddress in Openwrt
  2. 2018-04-19 Openwrt ssh auth by ssh key
  3. 2018-04-19 Openwrt switch eth0.2 port from type Lan to Wan


  1. 2018-11-04 解决pip从8.1升级到18.1的import不了的问题
  2. 2018-10-30 解决ubuntu软件包依赖的问题
  3. 2018-02-13 Thinking:Believe in/Persistent


  1. 2019-05-25 斐波拉契数列之动态规划算法


  1. 2019-05-29 使用adb命令启动应用


  1. 2018-10-22 docker如何push镜像到docker hub个人的仓库
  2. 2018-03-28 install-gitlab-by-use-docker


  1. 2019-12-30 信仰和方向
  2. 2019-08-31 转发:聊一聊之前25刀买阿里股票的事
  3. 2019-05-19 kquant之周线ma5之上买入策略


  1. 2018-04-28 install gitolite in ubuntu


  1. 2018-04-22 Dealing error when use gitalk as comment compentent


  1. 2018-03-28 install-gitlab-by-use-docker


  1. 2018-02-24 use Javascipt to enable document.body.contentEditable


  1. 2018-02-17 detect iOS-keycodes


  1. 2018-04-28 jupyter notebook


  1. 2020-02-07


  1. 2018-10-23 使用本地浏览器渲染mermaid流程图
  2. 2018-10-17 在github pages中使用Mermaid画图
  3. 2018-05-13 write flowchat by mermaid


  1. 2018-03-15 emqtt-install-tips


  1. 2018-10-24 为pycharm增加python模块搜索路径


  1. 2018-11-04 解决pip从8.1升级到18.1的import不了的问题
  2. 2018-10-24 为pycharm增加python模块搜索路径


  1. 2024-03-10 ssh port forward
  2. 2023-05-20 run tcl tk on Macos
  3. 2023-05-19 use black to format Python code
  4. 2023-03-19 windows env variables
  5. 2023-03-02 set expandtab for python in Vim
  6. 2023-03-02 set NT AUTHORITY Authenticated Users for Windows Remote Desktop connection
  7. 2023-02-12 unified python versions on Macbook M1
  8. 2023-02-12 Setup multiple python version by pyenv
  9. 2023-02-12 Install TensorFlow on Mac M1 GPU
  10. 2023-01-31 third party APT repository for Ubuntu
  11. 2023-01-31 run tensorflow in docker for Macbook M1
  12. 2023-01-31 designated docker args and build arg
  13. 2022-12-31 Completely Uninstall Android Studio on Mac
  14. 2022-12-20 install modules for different versions of python
  15. 2022-10-23 run esp32 console on Macbook
  16. 2022-10-23 add I2C slave for ESP32
  17. 2022-10-09 run arm cross compiler docker on Macbook M1
  18. 2022-10-09 package c code to libs
  19. 2022-06-04 kquant之161005富国天惠回测
  20. 2022-06-04 display all data of dataframe
  21. 2022-04-26 designate ssh key for git
  22. 2022-01-11 不要在行尾写注释
  23. 2021-08-02 在SounceInsight中设置Tab键为8个空格
  24. 2021-07-30 disable astyle format
  25. 2021-06-03 ALLOW_WARNING for Makefile
  26. 2021-03-31 display Hardware info of Mac
  27. 2021-03-30 install docker command on OSX
  28. 2021-03-23 decompile ELF by Using RetDec
  29. 2021-03-23 Mac电脑OSX系统串口命令行工具
  30. 2021-03-15 使用grabserial在Mac苹果电脑上抓取Log
  31. 2021-03-10 在Vim中进行空格和TAB
  32. 2021-02-25 您是如何评价一款耳机的好音质的?
  33. 2021-02-16 Debug the program by using Qemu
  34. 2021-02-14 build Zephyr on Mac OSX
  35. 2021-02-14 Daw graph by using Dot
  36. 2021-01-23 execute Bash commands with Bash logging env
  37. 2020-12-23 clang format 强制clang格式尊重doxygen块注释
  38. 2020-12-23 use uncrustify to format linux kernel code
  39. 2020-12-17 使用GCC展开宏
  40. 2020-12-14 在Bash中使用cscope命令行
  41. 2020-12-14 temporary disable Clang format for avoid affecting Macros
  42. 2020-12-14 How to write clean code
  43. 2020-12-10 Remove Ifdef Macro
  44. 2020-12-04 分享异维兄的代码阅读习惯
  45. 2020-11-24 git flow工作流程
  46. 2020-11-14 内嵌于Markdown的表情符号AwesomeIcons
  47. 2020-11-13 link lds 文件语法
  48. 2020-11-08 使用TestDisk修复exfat文件分区
  49. 2020-11-03 Draw UML state diagram by PlantUML for TWS headphone
  50. 2020-10-29 在gcc的 fdump tree上使用graph选项
  51. 2020-10-26 UART中的硬件流控RTS与CTS
  52. 2020-10-23 CodeChecker command line
  53. 2020-10-22 set python path for npm
  54. 2020-10-20 set multi parameters On one line for Clang format
  55. 2020-10-09 generate Vim helptags
  56. 2020-09-29 如何在bash中分割分隔符上的字符串
  57. 2020-09-22 is_bss_initialize_in_C
  58. 2020-06-27 entry_point_of_C_program
  59. 2020-06-14 ASCII Sequence Diagram Creator
  60. 2020-06-03 CMSIS NN Efficient Neural Network Kernels for Arm Cortex M CPUs
  61. 2020-05-20 CodingStyle beautify by Using Astyle
  62. 2020-05-02 TWS耳机主从切换状态图
  63. 2020-03-31 add_a_repo_branch
  64. 2020-03-01 remove_gitlab_project_by_using_Python_script
  65. 2020-02-05 TWS_BOM_Sourcing
  66. 2020-02-01 Kubernetes Patterns 设计模式
  67. 2020-01-22 PREDEFINED_in_Doxygen_file
  68. 2020-01-19 clone all git repos
  69. 2020-01-15 plantuml previewer
  70. 2020-01-03 get_parameter_passed_by_xargs
  71. 2019-10-22 ubuntu 16.04 设置静态IP
  72. 2019-10-15 增加Ubuntu LVM分区
  73. 2019-10-15 install locale on Ubuntu
  74. 2019-10-07 Python Bluetooth Serial Port For Linux
  75. 2019-10-06 building elua
  76. 2019-09-23 reconfigure gitlab
  77. 2019-09-10 使用gparted扩容Linux根分区
  78. 2019-08-26 使用crosstool-ng编译交叉编译器
  79. 2019-08-22 use stty to set echo
  80. 2019-07-28 解决Linux Ping不通外网
  81. 2019-06-17 客户端优化的方法
  82. 2019-06-17 git lfs使用方法
  83. 2019-06-14 显示BASE64编码的图片
  84. 2019-05-29 使用adb命令启动应用
  85. 2019-05-05 在python中使用sqlalchemy和python mysql连接Mysql数据
  86. 2019-05-03 在python中使用sqlalchemy连接Mysql数据库
  87. 2019-04-11 draw curve lines by using highcharts
  88. 2019-03-12 Java_Debug_Command_Line
  89. 2019-02-07 转《朱赟的技术管理课》读书笔记
  90. 2019-02-01 在python中执行js代码
  91. 2019-01-29 google ringdroid uml drawing
  92. 2019-01-20 vim非贪婪搜索并拷贝结果
  93. 2019-01-19 史上最全的正则表达式多行匹配例子 from karlzheng@csdn
  94. 2019-01-19 vim复合搜索
  95. 2019-01-14 在Linux下去除图片空白区域
  96. 2019-01-06 Apple Think Different
  97. 2019-01-05 下载的文件名总是乱码各平台的解决方法
  98. 2018-12-29 监控设备十大品牌
  99. 2018-12-23 在python中使用Basic_Authorization对静态web页面进行权限较验
  100. 2018-12-22 通过nginx让用户输入用户名密码认证访问web页面
  101. 2018-12-17 install gitbook
  102. 2018-12-14 install gitolite centos
  103. 2018-12-13 AliOS下载Firware到ESP8266
  104. 2018-12-12 声卡LineIn信号转Mic信号
  105. 2018-11-22 MacOS终端字符编码和字体设置
  106. 2018-11-19 CentOS安装Android7.1固件编译环境
  107. 2018-11-18 在Android代码中动态增加控件
  108. 2018-11-14 面对网络封锁使用清华TUNA同步安卓AOSP代码的方法
  109. 2018-11-09 修复Ubuntu执行sudo apt get remove libssl1.x.x导致的GUI界面丢失
  110. 2018-11-09 nginx https websocket proxy
  111. 2018-11-05 重新打包ubuntu上的bcompare
  112. 2018-11-02 SSH穿越跳板机:一条命令跨越跳板机直接登陆远程计算机
  113. 2018-10-30 解决ubuntu软件包依赖的问题
  114. 2018-10-29 install Jekyll On Ubuntu
  115. 2018-10-25 use plantuml in Mac
  116. 2018-10-24 为pycharm增加python模块搜索路径
  117. 2018-10-23 如何在markdown中插入数学公式
  118. 2018-10-23 使用本地浏览器渲染mermaid流程图
  119. 2018-10-22 docker如何push镜像到docker hub个人的仓库
  120. 2018-10-21 setting ssh log
  121. 2018-10-20 在Mac中ssh登陆Linux并且显示linux图形
  122. 2018-10-17 手把手教你用githubPages搭建博客
  123. 2018-10-17 在github pages中使用Mermaid画图
  124. 2018-10-17 Ssh本地转发和远程转发
  125. 2018-09-19 Jekyll and UTF8 encoding
  126. 2018-08-03 autossh back connect
  127. 2018-07-25 paste an image over another by using python
  128. 2018-07-24 tensorflow lite toco
  129. 2018-06-21 repair win7 pbr BCD
  130. 2018-06-20 set NAT forward in Ubuntu for EVK board
  131. 2018-06-15 read mqtt data by websocket
  132. 2018-06-03 convert tensorflow pb to tflite for Android
  133. 2018-05-13 write flowchat by mermaid
  134. 2018-05-01 enlarge partition by clonezilla and update-grub
  135. 2018-04-28 jupyter notebook
  136. 2018-04-26 modify macAddress in Openwrt


  1. 2019-01-22 为什么从技术到管理总要历经九九八十一难by王晔倞
  2. 2018-04-17 产品技术评审点TR1


  1. 2019-08-07 美团云鹏写给工程师的十条精进原则


  1. 2019-01-20 vim非贪婪搜索并拷贝结果
  2. 2019-01-19 史上最全的正则表达式多行匹配例子 from karlzheng@csdn
  3. 2019-01-19 vim复合搜索


  1. 2018-04-29 雷军2015年武汉大学毕业典礼演讲
  2. 2018-04-29 阿里10周年马云演讲
  3. 2018-04-29 淘宝10周年马云演讲
  4. 2018-04-29 乔布斯2005年斯坦福大学毕业演讲


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